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Electrolysis Referral Information for Physicians

If you are a doctor who has patients seeking a permanent solution to unwanted facial or body hair, we are happy to work with you. Electrolysis is the only hair removal process deemed to be a “permanent” solution by the FDA.

We will gladly answer any questions you might have about our company and our procedures. We also have brochures that explain our procedures and answer some of the most common questions about electrolysis, and we are happy to send some to you.

doctor standing in hallway

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Also, we do offer free consultations so that we can evaluate each individual’s situation, answer any question your patient might have and develop a customized treatment plan. Our technicians are licensed and board-certified and we have been in business in Memphis for over 30 years.

If you would like to learn more about electrolysis, we will be happy to talk to you. Just give us a call at 901-682-9393 or fill out our contact form and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.

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