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Electrolysis Success Rates

As the only method of hair removal recognized as permanent by both the AMA and the FDA, Electrolysis has served over one million happy and satisfied individuals who sought to solve a very personal and embarrassing problem of unwanted hair. Its permanency has been well recognized by knowledgeable physicians and is also testified to by hundreds of scientific articles published in medical literature.

woman with beautiful skin
Factors That Determine the Length of Treatment and Success:
  1. Amount of hair in the given area.
  2. Texture of hair, whether coarse or fine.
  3. Frequency of visits to complete the treatments.

Prior to treatment, you will receive a complete evaluation and consultation based on your specific needs so that you will have a clear understanding of every aspect involved in the process.  To schedule a private consultation now, call East Memphis Electrolysis at 901-682-9393 or visit our Contact Page.

What Our Customers Have to Say:

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